Hello, my name is Hunter.

I’m the CEO of Bacon and I’m looking for talented leaders to join me in building a world-class company. The fact that you were referred here means someone believes you have exceptional talent, visionary ambition, and reliable character. I’d like to learn more about your experience, hear your story, and understand your aspirations.  I truly believe it is a privilege to collaborate with talented people and I know the time you dedicate to our mission is a valuable gift.

Take a look at the information below and set up a meeting with me. Let’s see if we can go from good to great together.

–Hunter A. Sebresos










The Bacon workforce marketplace helps businesses find qualified workers to fill shifts on demand for as short as a single shift. Bacon makes temp work professional and reliable by allowing businesses to view worker ratings, reviews, and skills to select workers that best fit their shift requirements. The app provides open access to work opportunities allowing individuals flexibility and choice of where and when to work while leveling up and earning rewards.


Build a world where hustle beats privilege.


Provide an opportunity to connect and grow to all who choose to hustle and shine.


Hunter's interests sit at the crossroads between leadership, culture, and design. His skills and perspective comes from a wide variety of experiences in multiple industries and in several countries. These experiences have informed his character and deepened his understanding of human behavior and the world around him. Those who have worked with him often speak of his innovative mindset and his ability to inspire them to do great work. Hunter strives to live a personal mission to "Show the world what underdogs can do."

Past Experiences
– CMO, SVP of Product for an employee engagement software company
– Founding executive at a drinking water company in Mombasa Kenya
– Adjunct instructor of design and communications at BYU and UVU
– Former NASA visual strategist
– Awarded advertising creative at world-class agencies in NY, Miami, SLC
– U.S. Marine Veteran

LinkedIn Profile


“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”

– Phil Jackson


It's the Bacon way!