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COVID-19 Policy • Plant 48

• Please practice social distancing, which is a 6' distance between yourself and others, at the time clocks, breakrooms, offices, restrooms, and other common areas

• With few exceptions, face Masks are required from the moment you exit your vehicle in the morning and until you return to your vehicle after your shift. Exceptions are as follows:
– Eating lunch

•Face shields are required when work and or communication cannot be done while keeping a 6' halo.  
• We will provide hand sanitizer at time clock stations.  Please use it prior to and after using the time clock.
• If you operate a forklift, please be sure to wipe down the inside and out of the truck with a disinfectant, prior to, and after use.  We will provide a bottle of approved disinfectant and cleaning rags. (Prior to disinfecting...Spray before you do your forklift inspection, so it sits for 10 minutes, then do your forklift inspection while it’s drying. Please dispose of your rags after each use)
• Please do not share face shields or masks of any kind.  
• Lunch time - Eating in your personal vehicle by yourself is recommended.
• If you are sick, or live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test:
– Do not come to work, call and report to your leader
– If already at work, report to your leader immediately
– We will contact you with further details on what to do
• Symptoms of COVID-19 are cough, shortness of breath, fever of 100.4 or greater, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, and headaches.
• All team members should self-monitor for symptoms before leaving for work each day.
• Please be aware of others around you.  Please use caution in common areas such as offices, restrooms, breakrooms, and parking lots.  

Jason Lippert sent the following in an email dated 6/15/20 “Our data that we have been collecting since day one shows that the virus is largely being spread outside of work. We are asking everyone to practice social distancing, good hygiene and masks outside of work – this is where we let our guard down. Please continue to be safe and encourage one another to practice this stuff outside of work.”

One of our core values is “CARING ABOUT PEOPLE” When we practice social distancing, good hygiene like washing hands frequently and wearing masks, we are practicing this core value. When we do our part both at work and outside of work, we are watching out for our families at home and our team members here at Plant 48. Please do your part. We need you and we need each other.

Safety● Quality ●Morale ● Production

Policy for Earphone use Plant 48

Goal: Improve teammember morale.Quality andproduction levels must be maintained or improve. 

Use in one ear only. Must be Bluetooth no cords and can’t interfere with the job you are doing.
Earphone must be removed from your ear while on or operating the forklift.
This is NOT an excuse for using your phone while working. Set your play list at break or lunch and leave your phone alone.
The volume should be kept at a level so that you can hear the team member next to you. Be considerate with those around you (they shouldn’t be able to hear what you are listening to).
Machine operators be aware of machine noise, a change in the sound may signal a malfunction.

If a team member is found in violation of the rules it must be reported to their team lead. Their team lead will speak to the team member in violation. If a team member is on the forklift with the earphone in their ear leadership should ask them to remove it and then speak with their team lead. 

If a team member is in violation the team member and their entire team must remove headphone for the rest of that day and the following day. 

Responsibility- any lead in any area must report noncompliance.


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